
Goldsmith of the month, March 2025

Let us introduce Goldsmith of the month! The idea is to inspire and increase interest in the goldsmith industry by showcasing some of Sweden's and Finland's most amazing goldsmiths and their work. This month we have chosen a Finnish goldsmith couple.
goldsmith of the month March petri eklöf
Master goldsmith Petri Eklöf is working in the goldsmith workshop.

Atelier Eklöf

The goldsmith of the month, March 2025 – Petri and Annika Eklöf from Atelier Eklöf. Atelier Eklöf designs and creates unique and personal jewelry with great precision. Petri Eklöf has worked as a goldsmith since 1995 and became a master goldsmith in 2024. Annika Eklöf became a qualified goldsmith in 1995. Since 2001 she has also worked as a hand engraver and became a master engraver in 2024. We had the opportunity to ask them some questions.

Petri Eklöf

What piece of jewellery are you most proud of?

– The “My Queen” collection, which now consists of more than 20 unique earrings. The details in these golden pieces with diamonds, other precious stones and even meteorite are inspired by the crowns and scepters in the Treasury at the Royal Palace of Stockholm.

örhänge my queen collection
A beautiful earring from the “My Queen” collection.
my queen collection örhänge
Earring from the “My Queen” collection.

What is your favorite part of the creative process?

– Stonesetting, both tiny brilliants as well as diamonds in all shapes, colors and sizes.

What is your favorite tool to use?

– The air graver, I use it both for stone setting and engraving.

Why did you choose to become a goldsmith?

– I didn’t choose to become a goldsmith, it just happened. I made jewellery for myself as a hobby but was offered a full time job as a goldsmith. This was in 1995. In 2001 my wife Annika and I started our own goldsmith’s workshop and business together. In 2024 I became a Master Goldsmith.

diamonds in different colors
Petri's passion is diamonds in different colors and shapes.
the air graver
Petri's favorite tool is the air graver.

Annika Eklöf

What piece of jewellery are you most proud of?

– At the moment it’s the golden medallion “Harmony and Joy”, with diamonds and engravings that I made as a part of my studies to become a Master Engraver. The theme of this piece of jewellery is the joy, harmony and sisterhood within my dearest hobby, Barbershop singing.

What is your favorite part of the creative process?

– Drawing and engraving beautiful texts and ornaments.

golden medallion
The golden medallion “Harmony and Joy”.
engraved medallion
Annika loves to engrave beautiful texts and ornaments.
open gold medallion
Beautiful engravings by Annika Eklöf.
scetch of jewellery
One of Annika's favorite part of the creative process is drawing.

What is your favorite tool to use?

– My hand engraving tool – facett stickel på svenska

Why did you choose to become a goldsmith?

– I like working with my hands, besides drawing, painting, singing and dancing. The idea of creating beautiful things has always fascinated me. I graduated as a goldsmith in 1995, but have worked mostly with hand engraving since 2001, when Petri and I started our business in Helsinki. We opened our own Atelier and goldsmiths’ shop in 2005 and did our Master degrees in Goldsmithing and Engraving in 2024.

Annika Eklöf goldsmith of the month March
Goldsmith and master engraver Annika Eklöf.
facett tool
The engraving tool is Annikas favorite.

Read more about the goldsmith of the month March – Atelier Eklöf here.

Photos by Irene Sema and Annika Eklöf.


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